
Welcome to my personal dump. 

Flame Stuff

I have a few Matchbox shaders and Python scripts for Autodesk Flame, mostly utilities I wrote for myself.. but maybe you'll find them useful too.

Newest updates: A new Matchbox shader, Zippy Zaps; Plus SMPTE-2046 guides and patches to flameTimewarpML for Flame 2025!

Asterisk Primer

A crash-course on setting up Asterisk, from compiling the source to making your first call. Currently out-of-date, but I'll be working on a new version soon.

Other Junk

The SRT-to-CSV converter for Steinberg Nuendo's ADR tool

My simple Lehmann Pizza Dough Calculator for all your New York-style pizza needs

LANfest Colorado 2024

I've been going to LANfest Colorado, a giant 3-day LAN party, for the last several years. Check out my promo for LANfest CO 2024 coming up in October! Tickets are on sale now at the Colorado LANfest website.