Flame 2025 is out and Andriy Toloshny's flameTimewarpML has become a crucial tool in a lot of people's work. However, Flame 2025 has updated the Qt PySide python libraries to PySide 6 which will break the old user interface and TimewarpML will fail to run.
If you wish to continue using the 0.4.4 version of flameTimewarpML (Linux) in Flame 2025, I have made patches to get it running again.
We'll do this from the command line, so open a Terminal, make a temporary directory to work in, and download the patch:
Next, follow the specific instructions below in A or B only, depending on your particular situation.
Download flameTimewarpML 0.4.4 for Linux from GitHub, unarchive it, and cd into the unarchived directory:
Now, apply the patch:
Lastly, move the patched flameTimewarpML.py file into the Flame python directory:
Now you can launch Flame 2025, and open an existing or create a new project. Once you get to the desktop, a dialog box should pop up from flameTimewarpML to finish the installation (TLDR: click the Unpack button, let it do its thing and download/install a bunch of stuff, and when it's finished, click the Clean button.)
If you have an older version of Flame like 2024.2 with flameTimewarpML 0.4.4 successfully installed and running already, we can just patch the existing script with the changes that will allow it to work in 2025 and continue working in 2024, etc. With Flame not running, cd to the shared python directory where your existing flameTimewarpML.py should be, and patch it:
That's it! Re-launch Flame and it should be there as before (or newly in 2025 :)